Warren Sloper
I am a Toronto based artist currently focusing on two dimensional representation of kinetics.
A confluence of interests has led me to the creation of my art. Chiefly my work is inspired by time spent in the animation industry. Elements of my work there captured my attention and provoked my curiosity. Specifically arousing the challenge of translating axioms of a four dimensional medium (the dimensions of space, plus time, in animation) to a two dimensional medium, the canvas.
Propelled further by my fascination with the ability paintings have to bend and guide a viewers eye through the canvas, I have fashioned a practice to blend the principles of dynamic animation and static design to create my works. A sense of play and exploration are also necessary in their creation. Many of my pieces progress in one direction but slowly alter as I make minute changes to the ‘force’ presented in the piece. It is a delicate conversation between me and the piece to achieve the correct energy, balance, harmony, rhythm, and focal points.
I intend to capture what I call ‘kinetic chains’ or ‘forces’ and root them to static form via a two dimensional medium. Each kinetic chain’s character, texture and form are designed to allow the viewer of a piece to intuit and/or have visceral reaction or feeling.